Upcoming Field/Lab/GLP Training Webinars

Date Topics and Presenters

Fall Training Webinar
November 12, 2024
11am PT/1pm ET


Topics TBD

Contact ir-4_project@ncsu.edu for more information.

Other IR-4 GLP Training

Contact Marylee Ross or Megan James for access to the North East Region basic GLP training for Field Research Directors.


Past Training Webinars

2024 Topic
August 20, 2024

Summer Training

eFDB Completion, eFDB Hardware, Sample Modification in Field Trials (slides)

Completing eFDB at the end of field trials, eFDB hardware and software differences, and sample modification considerations before shipping to the laboratory.

The recording of this training is available on the eFDB Resources Page

May 21, 2024

Spring Training

Greenhouse Trials Continued, Field Considerations and PDF Stamps (slides)

Common field QA findings, more tips for greenhouse trials, test substance receipt/storage, stacking plots, and a PDF shortcut to add trial ID, date and initials to your eFDB uploads.

Watch the recording (mp4)

Resources for PDF Stamps:

February 29, 2024

Winter Training

Field Trial Planning and Greenhouse Trials (slides)

Field Trial Planning, Greenhouse Trial Tips and Tricks, eFDB Resources, and how to find National SOPs in eQA

Watch the recording (mp4)

2022 Topic
July 6, 2022

Summer Training Webinar

The Fruits of Summer

QA field inspections, travel safety, dirty samples at the lab, application types advisory, Canadian trial tracking, QC review recommendations for notebooks.

Watch the recording (mp4)

April 5, 2022

April Training Webinar

Spring 2022: Field and Lab Updates

Calculating application tank mixes, cleaning application equipment, archiving raw data, trial acceptance letters, terminated trials, staying cool in the field, lab guidance document, and water quality issues in the lab.Selecting nozzles, determining surfactants, changes in 2022 protocols and notebooks, test substance storage temps, adjuvant expirations, soil data, phyto ratings, working alone and slips, trips and falls.

Watch the recording (mp4)

February 24, 2022

February Training Webinar

Preparing for the 2022 Season

Selecting nozzles, determining surfactants, changes in 2022 protocols and notebooks, test substance storage temps, adjuvant expirations, soil data, phyto ratings, working alone and slips, trips and falls.

Watch the recording (mp4)

2021 Topic
December 8, 2021

December 2021 Webinar

Triumphs and Challenges of 2021

Triumphs and challenges of 2021, new guidelines on trial differentiation, update on protocol amendments, dilution notation, 2022 draft protocols, sample shipping guidance, and eQA tips.

Watch the recording (mp4)

August 3, 2021

August 2021 Webinar

Shipping Samples and Notebook Prep

Sample shipping to labs, ACDS shipping, shipping data and notebooks to regions and HQ, GLP compliant and FRD friendly ways of pre-entering data, PPE for 0-day PHIs, seed treatment trials, recording GLP training, and purpose of SOPs

Watch the recording (mp4)

May 4, 2021

May 2021 Webinar

Springing into Field Season

Differences between IR-4 and Canadian trials, equipment for different application types, sprayer safety, sample shipment notification, eQA migration to NC State, and documenting protocol requirements that are not in the notebook

Watch the recording (mp4)

February 2, 2021

February 2021 Webinar

Changes for the 2021 Season

Entering the 2021 field season, what to do when things go wrong, field and lab safety equipment, choosing appropriate measuring devices in the field and in the lab, field data notebook changes for 2021, and webinar ideas for 2021.

Watch the recording (mp4)

2020 Topic
December 3, 2020

December 2020 Webinar

Highlights from the 2020 Season

Highlights from a challenging year and looking ahead to 2021: Early trials, hemp studies, new crops, draft protocol reviews, a tour of the new Western Region websites, shipping reminders, and what to do when mulitple people are entering data in the notebook.

Watch the recording (mp4)

May 12, 2020

May 2020 Webinar

2020 New Field Season

Soil and foliar applications:  banded v directed, cautions and suggestions on notebook entry shortcuts, adjuvant expiration dates and storage, new requirements for grape studies, and protocol and sampling reminders

Watch the recording (mp4)

2019 Topic
October 15, 2019

October 2019 Webinar

Preparing for a QA Visit and When Things Go Wrong

Test Substances and Rounding

How to prepare for a QA visit, what QA looks for, what to do when things go wrong out in the field, checking test substances and labels, and the perils of rounding too early.

Watch the recording (mp4)

May 14th, 2019

May 2019 Webinar

Calibrations and Multiple Trials

Output and speed calibration requirements for both US and Canadian trials, considerations for planning with multiple trials in the same study, best practices for mixing tanks, and state-specific adjuvant labels

Watch the recording (mp4)

January 29th, 2019

January 2019 Webinar

Lookouts from 2018 Season:

Notebook Status Report, Application Types for 2019, Check Final Protocols, Communication with RFC/UC Davis, GAPs: an FRD panel Discussion, Cancelled Trials, Trial Separation: 30/30 Gold Standard, Notebook Details & QA Reminders

Watch the recording (mp4)

2018 Topic
October 2, 2018

October 2018 Webinar

Wrapping up in the Field
Sampling descriptions and cleaning equipment, rice harvesting, hop harvesting, transporting test substances/containers, calibration calculations and requirements for Canadian trials, deviations v. amendments, marking up your protocol, when to line out blanks, and mist blowers for airblast applications

Watch the recording (download mp4)

April 3, 2018

April 2018 Webinar

Safety, Calibrations and Other Reminders
Preparing for QA field visits, plot markers and maps, notebook descriptions of applications and sampling, calibrations for multiple treatments and multiple trials, phytotoxicity ratings in residue trials, and safety considerations and PPE.

Watch the recording (download mp4)

January 23, 2018 Done Right and Documented: Tips for Successful IR-4 Trials
GLP Compliance statement, Canadian trial GLP acceptance and tracking form, test substance transport, field critical phase inspections, plot maps, collecting crop safety data, labels and SDS, PPE, crop destruct, when the trial doesn’t fit standard notebook pages, deviations, sample shipping and notifications







Field Office, QA and Lab

Watch the recording

2017TopicJuly 10, 2017

Video: Drip Irrigation Injection Applications

A discussion of different techniques for drip irrigation applications with Field Research Directors David Ennes and Julie Coughlin – WR Field Office

Post Video Discussion: Watch the recording (Flash, or download mp4)

Example Documentation:

Imidacloprid/Seed Corn 11270.15-HI19
Oxathiapiprolin/Strawberry 11719.16-CA55

2016Topic(s)/Presenter or Discussion LeaderNovember 14, 2016Webinar: History and Purpose of GLPs, Some Field Highlights from 2016, Web Resources, Low Volume Applications, EPA Inspections, PSI Gauges, Drying Commodities, 2017 National Training, and FDNs (Compliance Statement, Sampling, Deviations, eQA responses)
Field Office, QA and Lab







Watch the recording (Flash, or download mp4)

June 27, 2016

Webinar: Peeling the Onion: Field, Notebooks & QA Refinements– Field Office, QA and Lab

Watch the recording (requires Flash Player).

March 15-162016 Western Region Training: A day in the life of a residue study
Training was held at UC Davis. Please contact Becky Sisco with questions.2015Topic(s)/Presenter or Discussion LeaderJanuary 12, 2015

Starting the Year Off Right: –Tools for planning field trials: Calendars, Spreadsheets, Field plot layouts, Test substance information, Great things FRDs do (email, timely data recording, revising SOPs), Handling changed pages in Field Data Notebooks, and Adjuvant storage and use. –Field Office, QA and Lab

Watch the recording (requires Flash Player)

April 13, 2015

Spring Training and Field Warmup: – Notebook changes for 2015, Application types, Wind speed, Trial differentiation, Deviations, Maintenance pesticides, Documenting phytotoxicity, Sample Cooling, and Web resources. –Field Office, QA and Lab

Watch the recording

July 13, 2015

Crunch Time – Getting It Done: – Freezer Alarm Examples and Experience; New Adjuvant Requirements; Seed Treatment Trials, Adjuvant Calculator and Maintaining Integrity, Notebooks on Website, Phytotoxicity Evaluations, Custom Soil Report, Test Substance Sign-Out/In, Identifying Emails. –Field Office

Watch the recording

October 12, 2015

Wrapping It Up: – Overview of notebook completion, Documenting Unusual Trials, Custom Notebook Pages, Growing Commercial Crops, Output Rechecks, Adjuvant Life Expectancy, Sample Shipping, and Responding to Audits. –Field Office & QA Team

Field Data Book Completion – Notes from University of Hawaii’s Process

No recording is available.